P-06-1288 Deliver Magor and Undy Walkway Station, part of the Burns Delivery Programme, as a quick win, Correspondence – Petitioners to Committee, 27.09.22


Petition P-06-1288 - Deliver Magor and Undy Walkway Station.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the report that is going to the petitions committee.

We believe that generally it is a good reflection of the current status of Magor & Undy Walkway station implementation plan.

However, the petition itself calls for a speedy delivery of the station to –

·        Mitigate the cancellation of the   M4 decision

·        Demonstrate commitment to implementing the Lord Burns recommendations

·        Take the opportunity of a quick win and good news story for our community.

Briefly, and if you could include this paragraph from our consultant engineer in your report, the reasons why –

“It is very pleasing to see the station is being seen in the media (recent Monmouthshire County Council press release) by everyone. It needs to be delivered as the quick win as the one station that does not have to wait for any decision on the likes of the Relief Lines upgrade, as it fits unaltered whatever the outcome of those deliberations and has the benefit of not requiring any alteration to the signalling or overhead line equipment positioning. Therefore. it does not have to be held back by deliberations on any of the other ‘Burn’s’ stations and it can be introduced quickly and as the lowest cost of all the proposed new stations because it avoids the need and costs of any track slews and using the existing underpass between the platforms avoids the significant costs of providing a disabled access footbridge; it will demonstrate action taken now as an alternative to building a new M4.


Kind regards

Paul Turner and Ted Hand (Magor Action Group on Rail)